The Latest News
Clean out your closets for Rat City Roller Derby’s All-Stars!
Our goal is to raise $1,000 by collecting 308 tall kitchen bags full of gently used clothing and textiles. Gather...
Watch your Rat City All Stars take on Rose City’s Axles of Annihilation and Rain of Terror (ROT) vs. Portland’s Break Neck Betties
Watch your Rat City All Stars take on Rose City’s Axles of Annihilation and Rain of Terror (ROT) vs. Portland’s...
Rat City All Stars – MOD Pizza Fundraiser – Help raise some dough!
Help Rat City Roller Derby’s All Star Program raise money to travel! What: Mod Pizza fundraiser When: September 26, 2023...
Buy tickets to support your Rat City All-Stars!
While you’re waiting for Rat City Roller Derby’s Home Team Season 18, support your Rat City All-Stars!
Get Your Bearings Skate Shop is a proud Rat City Sponsor!
Sponsorship is a great way to get your message out to our fans and greater roller derby community.
Did you miss your chance to buy tickets to our next bout before they sold out?
You can still get in on the action by watching on the Twitch live stream @WFTDA
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